Last night after their tango lesson, our wonderful students from Minnesota, Bill and Mary, very kindly invited us to dinner to celebrate their last night in Buenos Aires. What a perfect opportunity to show them our Boedo!
First we had a tasty parrilla dinner at the packed and lively Cafe Margot.
Then we walked down to Esquina Homero Manzi to have coffee, but their tango show was going on. We walked back to Esquina Pugliese, where they were also having a show, but we were welcomed to come in.
Next thing we knew, Ruben and I were on on the tiny stage dancing two tangos as part of the show! (Luckily Mary lent me her new Comme Il Fauts.)
As Ruben put Mary and Bill in a taxi, I snapped a picture of another of those ugly public art sculptures, as yet still unfenced. (see previous post below)
What is this thing anyway? Is this what makes Boedo "Bohemian?"
I love that you are sharing these stories about your Buenos Aires, your Argentina, and your Boedo. After being in Buenos AIres, I someimes read a travel piece about it, and I think how sad for this writer, they have never been to the Buenos Aires that we saw, the one we hold in our hearts.
P.S Cool pants.
Travel writers are always at the mercy of their editors, who are in the business of selling advertising.
Consequently an article can be skewed to reflect the advertiser, or can just be whatever sells magazines, and lots of times it's fairytales or just plain inaccurate.
The "Bohemian" slant on Boedo is trumped up by this writer and the really good stuff is ignored.
I've learned the hard way about truth in travel articles when I read something about a place I know very well--such as San Miguel de Allende, for instance. Hoo boy, what hype! And the same for Buenos Aires.
The articles attract people to the places written about which is good for the travel business, and maybe the tourists will create the fiction portrayed in the articles.
Maybe now some foreigners will open art galleries and a trendy hotel here in Boedo after reading this NYT piece.
P.S. Glad you like my tie-dyed harem pants, left over from my bellydancing days. That outfit is the most comfortable I have for teaching when it's over 100 F. (plus high humidity)
Of course I didn't know I'd be performing tango in them, but hey, it worked out--thanks to the borrowed shoes!
Just a note of thanks. We´ve never been introduced, but
reading your blog helped us pick Boedo as the barrio to
stay in on our first trip to Buenos Aires. We´ve had a
great week here so far staying at the Posada Gotan and have
enjoyed the sculptures (some fenced in, some not) and the
pleasant people of the area.
Thanks for helping us find your Boedo. I´ve been walking
around all week singing "San Juan y Boedo aqui..."
I´m sure next week will be even better.
Best wishes,
Kerry & Maria Jeffrey
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