What a lovely surprise to see by chance tangocherie
selected on the So Many Stories blog as outstanding!
That's great praise from anyone, let alone a general, not a tango, blog!
Here's what they say about us:
I stumbled across this blog through Wordless Wednesday. When I first looked at it, I thought I was just looking at someone’s family blog. The first photo showed a group of smiling people and, to be honest, really didn’t grab my attention. I had made a promise to myself that I would be good with leaving comments, not just pop in, look and go, so I read the description and that caught me. Cherie is a dancer, a tango teacher and a writer. Her descriptions of the dance competitions and the places they are held are fascinating and full of flavor. She writes with compassion but also enough of a distance so you feel as if you are getting a written snapshot. Her latest entries are about Cuba and the day to day lives of its people and once again I am reminded that it’s the little details that bring things to life.
Muchisimas gracias, somanystories.com! I'm glad you like my stories, as I've got so many more!
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