- Posting weeks later, but just wanted to say we loved our single lesson with Cherie and Ruben. My husband and I are rank beginners....about a month practicing, and wearing new shoes bought the same day, no less. But we learned so much....the basics of the walk--and isn't that what tango is, a walking dance? Cherie is so charming and explained everything well for this nonSpanish speaker. My husband learned a lot from Ruben, since he fortunately does speak Spanish. Thanks so much for the intro to the fabulous world of Argentine tango and the opportunity to learn from 2 consummate pros! Hope to see you in BsAs or in the states.
- Dearest Cherie y Ruben, Thank you for all your heart and time and energy. thank you for the videos. You were right ... not as bad as I feared. I will miss you and keep you in my heart. Take care - Be well - Keep sharing your passion and joy with all who can take it in. With Love and Gratitude, Stanlee
- thank you, cherie and ruben.... i loved the tango lesson yesterday! thank you for your patience (why the hell can't he do this simple turn?! no bouncing! shoulders straight!) and encouragement. i'm heading out for suipacha next week to find tango shoes! actually i'm surprised by how little my feet/knees are hurting after the workout. and the shoes will definitely help. flexible soles and light weight. will SO help.... big smooooches to you both. i love that i know you. your kind and positive energy makes me smile! chau, david
- Meeting you both and getting to spend the time with you that i did was one of the highlights of my last visit. you made me feel so welcome and at home. i cant wait to see you again. as we speak I'm making plans to return next July, this time for longer.
- Everyone loved the pictures! Thanks again for a wonderful introduction to the tango. Hugs, Cheryl
- Ruben y Cherie, I have so many fantastic memories. I have looked at my video 4 times and it makes me smile. I loved our time with you and will always treasure my introduction to tamgo.. Love to you both Janet xx NZ

About us: our classes are bilingual, and concentrate on the music, embrace, connection, improvisation, and sensuality of tango milonguero, the most popular and traditional style of the Buenos Aires milongas, where we are well-known. We do not dance stage tango, and do not teach choreography. We've been dancing together for more than four years, and were finalists in the Campeonato Metropolitano de Tango de Buenos Aires 2006.
I've been dancing tango since 1997, and have studied with Fernanda y Guillermo, Julio y Carina, Francisco y Natalia, Suzuki Avellaneda, Juan Bruno, Nito y Elba, Fabian Salas, Gustavo Naveira, and, most of all, Carlos Gavito.
Ruben has been dancing tango in the milongas of Buenos Aires since 1980. He came to the tango from a background of folklore and rock 'n roll.
What Ruben and I offer for dancing tango in Buenos Aires:
Private lessons for one person with Ruben and me, 1 hour; for a couple, 1 1/2 hours; (rates on request)
Note: With lots of tango teaching experience, we feel that it's better to start out with a few private lessons to make sure you don't develop bad habits (which can take years to break), and learn the fundamentals of technique before you learn steps and figures. After you develop a base of tango technique, then it can be fun to take group classes to meet new people.
Here in Buenos Aires, "everyone" is a tango teacher, even if they've had only ten lessons more than you. Cheap lessons aren't necessarily the best. There are shoe stores and hotels which offer free lessons. But sometimes you get what you pay for.
Group classes: to be arranged
Packages: a 10% discount given when purchasing a package of 10 classes in advance;
Milonga accompaniment with both of us, explaining the codigos, etc., including entrance fees, soft drink, transportation to and from our studio in Boedo. (Discount given if a private student.)
Taxi Dance Service: Ruben or I will accompany and dance with a client in the milonga of their choice--$30 usd/hour -- two hours minimum, plus expenses (transportation, entrance, soft drink.)
If you are a tanguera from out of town and only have a brief time in Buenos Aires and want to dance as much as possible, Ruben's professional milonga accompaniment will allow you to hit the ground dancing! Everyone looks at who Ruben dances with! A great way to kick-start your tango vacation! Ruben is one of the very few milongueros who offer this service; the agencies use tangueros with much less experience.
Ruben does not sit at a table with his client but a short ways away, always with his eye on her, thus allowing other men to cabeceo her for a dance. This arrangement also looks more natural and will help the lady dance more when she goes alone to the milonga the next time.
Two-Day Intensive Tango Tour: a one-hour private tango lesson, coffee in an historic cafe, a parrilla lunch or dinner (not including drinks), a cultural/historical excursion, tango shoe shopping, a milonga accompaniment, transportation between activities: Inquire about rates for your private tour.
Escorted Day Trips to the Gaucho Fair at Mataderos, and to the Delta of Tigre.
We also can advise and help with music and CDs.
All of our friends and students are invited to join us at our table in La Milonga de los Consagrados, Saturdays from 7:00-10:00, Humberto Primo 1462. Please just let us know in advance that you are coming so we can save room.
Here's a video that shows some of our Tango Services:
YES, we accept credit cards by way of safe and secure PayPal.
Hasta pronto!
FOR TESTIMONIALS: please see the Comments, or email me for referrals.