SI! to the pretty pose on the left, NO! NO!! to the photo at the right
Tina Tangos' blog has some do and don't photos that are worth a hundred words: http://tinatangos.wordpress.com/
And now that we know how to sit when we get there, here's Miss Cherie's advice on how to successfully crash a milonga in Buenos Aires;
I enter the dance hall alone. Wearing a simple black dress, I pull out all the stops for a dramatic arrival, sweeping through the crowd behind the maitre d’ to a table on the edge of the dance floor. I walk tall and straight as if I were the headliner on stage at the Follies Bergeres. I make sure everyone sees me. If I had a full length fur, I’d drag it on the floor behind me. Then I cross my legs (see photos) being careful to show my thighs, and fan myself with a red Spanish fan.
I look around the room for partners with expectation and animation, seeking the eyes of men I would like to dance with. I’ve already changed into my tango shoes in the lobby or the taxi. I’m ready to dance and it shows. The only time I leave my table is to accept an invitation to dance or to go to the ladies’ room. Waiters bring my drinks, and there is no table hopping. When a stranger asks me to dance, I immediately am enclosed in his intimate embrace as if we were exchanging a loving hug, my arm around his neck, his breath on my cheek. Where am I?
You can be sure it’s not in the United States.

1 comment:
Brava!! Thank you for linking to my blog, what a compliment!
Now I know how to enter the scene when I arrive...
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