Friday was old home night for Ruben! We were invited to the new milonga en provincia, Garufa, by Ruben's friend Marcelo, the organizer.
It the first time in many years that Ruben and his old tango buddies, who he learned with and from more than 25 years ago, were together dancing. And evidently it was like all those years had never passed by; Ruben said it felt like yesterday hanging out and joking around. I could tell they were all so happy to be together again.
Several couples gave demonstrations, all of them dressed so elegantly, the milongueros in light suits and shoes, the ladies in summer dresses, as you can see from my photos below. (At the end of the program, Ruben and I were asked to do a milonga, and we danced to Canaro, but we weren't so elegantly turned out.)
Garufa is every Friday night from 11:00 p.m. or so, in Valentine Alsina--Armenia 740. Just cross the Puente Uriburu and there you are! This town is close to the recently departed Sandro's house, the famous pop star, and Osvaldo and Coca live nearby and were in attendance last Friday.
Dancing in a milonga like Garufa is a completely different experience than the popular tourist milongas, and well worth the little trip to get there. Not to mention crossing that spectacular bridge!
Sounds so lovely,Cherie.. Ruben is looking muy guapo in those photos too!
Cherie, I tried to answer your question on the expat site but didn't see my response appear, so here is the link we used for all our legal paperwork, online, no hassles, reasonable fees, and easy enough even for a dunce like me...
Good luck.
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