Most of us want to practice the things we're already good at, and avoid the things we suck at. We stay average or intermediate amateurs forever.
Look at this great diagram from Creating Passionate Users. It pertains to any endeavor we attempt, but especially to tango, where putting in your Time is as important as your Ability. How many dancers do we know who have reached the Kicking Ass Threshold?
Alas, alack, not enough!

Heh. I've discussed a similar thing with other bellydancers. I am a firmly avowed hobbyist, I have made the conscious decision to only go to class once a week, even though I know I would improve a lot faster if I was willing to commit more time and effort.
I love bellydance, but my real passion in life is math and actuarial science. I am ok with my mediocrity as a dancer, it doesn't keep me up at night. ;) At the same time, I don't have any illusions that I am any better than I actually am.
I just hope to be able to be the best I can be in light of the resources I'm willing to expend towards my dancing.
Hi Tangocherie, I am learning so much from reading your blog. I've only been to BsAs once and am making a second trip there this Nov with Malena. Can't wait to visit some of the milongas mentioned in your posts!
It's really been an eyeopening and humbling experience learning how to tango. Discovering that the more I know... the more I don't know. Your graph reminded me of the 4 stages of learning NLP model(Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious Incompetence, Conscious Competence, Unconscious Competence)
I guess I am somewhere between unconscious incompetence and Conscious incompetence. I do believe tango is a lifelong journey... reminding myself all the time that enjoying the scenery is just as important as the destination itself.
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