About us: our tango classes are bilingual, and concentrate on the music, embrace, connection, improvisation, and sensuality of tango milonguero, the most popular and traditional style of the Buenos Aires milongas, where we are well-known. We do not dance stage tango, and do not teach choreography. We've been dancing together for more than four years, and were finalists in the Campeonato Metropolitano de Tango de Buenos Aires 2006.
I've been dancing tango since 1997, and have studied with Fernanda y Guillermo, Julio y Carina, Francisco y Natalia, Suzuki Avellaneda, Juan Bruno, Nito y Elba, Fabian Salas, Gustavo Naveira, and, most of all, Carlos Gavito.

Ruben has been dancing tango in the milongas of Buenos Aires since 1980. He came to the tango from a background of folklore and rock 'n roll.
What Ruben and I offer for dancing tango in Buenos Aires:
Private lessons for one person with Ruben and me, 1 hour; for a couple, 1 1/2 hours; (rates on request)
Note: With lots of tango teaching experience, we feel that it's better to start out with a few private lessons to make sure you don't develop bad habits (which can take years to break), and learn the fundamentals of technique before you learn steps and figures. After you develop a base of tango technique, then it can be fun to take group classes to meet new people.
Here in Buenos Aires, "everyone" is a tango teacher, even if they've had only ten lessons more than you. Cheap lessons aren't necessarily the best. There are shoe stores and hotels which offer free lessons. But sometimes you get what you pay for.
Group classes: to be arranged
Packages: a discount given when purchasing a package of classes and/or other tango services in advance;
Milonga accompaniment with both of us, explaining the codigos, etc., including entrance fees, soft drink, transportation to and from our studio in Boedo. (Discount given if a private student.)
Taxi Dance Service: Ruben or I will accompany and dance with a client in the milonga of their choice--$30 usd/hour -- two hours minimum, plus expenses (transportation, entrance, soft drink.)
If you are a tanguera from out of town and only have a brief time in Buenos Aires and want to dance as much as possible, Ruben's professional milonga accompaniment will allow you to hit the ground dancing! Everyone looks at who Ruben dances with! A great way to kick-start your tango vacation! Ruben is one of the very few milongueros who offer this service; the agencies use tangueros with much less experience.
Ruben does not sit at a table with his client but a short ways away, always with his eye on her, thus allowing other men to cabeceo her for a dance. This arrangement also looks more natural and will help the lady dance more when she goes alone to the milonga the next time.
Two-Day Intensive Tango Tour: a one-hour private tango lesson, coffee in an historic cafe, a parrilla lunch or dinner (not including drinks), a cultural/historical excursion, tango shoe shopping, a milonga accompaniment, transportation between activities: Inquire about rates for your private tour.
Escorted Day Trips to the Gaucho Fair at Mataderos, La Boca and Caminito, and to the Delta of Tigre.
We also can advise and help with music and CDs.
All of our friends and students are invited to join us at our table in La Milonga de los Consagrados, Saturdays from 7:00-10:00, Humberto Primo 1462. Please just let us know in advance that you are coming so we can save room.
Here's a video that shows some of our Tango Services:
YES, we accept credit cards in advance by way of safe and secure PayPal.
Hasta pronto!
FOR TESTIMONIALS: please see the Comments, or email me for referrals.

Thanks Cherie. Good info to keep in mind for the future.
Cherie y Ruben,
You are the best!!! Wonderful milonguero y milonguera. I had a great time with both of you and had enjoyed your company tremendously.
See you soon in Feb.
Cherie and Reuben,
Another great night together. The time just flew by. You both have
been such an important part of making our time here everything we had hoped for and more. Hopefully we'll see you teaching in the US. In any case, I'm hoping our paths will cross again sooner rather than later. My best to both of you in your teaching, you have so much to offer. Cherie, we'll be following the blog and definitely will stay connected. Thanks again for being such great teachers and generous friends.
Truly, having the opportunity not only to learn from you but to become friends has been such an important part of our sojourn in South America. Hopefully we will have the chance to return the favor and the pleasure when you and Ruben FINALLY get to the US to teach!
Thanks for the photos Cherie, we both really loved it and I sang your praises to Sarah who later forced Noah to dance.
Jess really liked it and said it may have been the best thing she did in BA, and that if she had done it earlier she would have done it everyday.
I think Tango lessons are likely to follow in Bermuda, and I hope they at least come close to tangocherie.
Thank you Thank you Thank you again for the life-changing lessons! If there are any travel sites/blogs etc. where you feel my posting a recommendation would be especially beneficial to you, please let me know and I will do so in glowing terms.
See you next year! I’ll be studying Spanish in the meantime, and I can’t wait to hear Ruben’s jokes!
Hell-o Cherie and Ruben, How are ya's doing. I am
working now and there is lots of snow on the ground
still. I miss seeing you both much and your smiles.
The tango here is so different as compared only one
night a week, I feel as though I do not fit in here
cause it is a different dance, I am at a crossroads. I
will work alot to re-visit, "the plan". I just wanted
to say Hi and let ya know I was thinking of yas.
Thank you and, especially Ruben, for your integrity
(not trying to capture me into many lessons)
and for a wonderful experience.
With much appreciation...un abrazo,
Saludos Cherie and Ruben, A quick howdy from Santa Barbara. Joanna and I are finally settled back into Santa Barbara after one month in South America. We enjoyed meeting you, and taking your wonderful Tango lessons. Someday we will return and look you guys up. If you are ever in California, be sure and stop by Santa Barbara.
Warm regards,
Stan Krome – Joanna Morgan
Hi Cherie,
We are safely back to US.
First of all, I enjoyed the lesson by you and Ruben.
I thank you.
I think you make a good team and could improve my tango a lot. I hope to return to BsAs in the fall for two months and take more lessons.
Un abrazo grande,
ted ozawa
Hola Cherie y Ruben
Hoy me llamó Alejandro encantado con lo de anoche en El Beso. Estaba muy contento porque había sido una sorpresa total para su mujer. El les dijo que iban a ir al teatro. Estaban todos muy sorprendidos y felices con el baile muy especial.
Un beso
Cynthia Lowe
Tour Guide
I liked the dance lessons with you. I am just sorry we did not meet you earlier so we could have taken more. But I have to say that on the two last milongas I danced a lot and the men said I danced good, surely it was because of you and Ruben. Anyway, When I come back to BA next time I will contact you at once.
I hope i will see you soon and I wish you "good luck" with the teaching.
Regards from Randi in Norway
Dear Cherie and Ruben,
Thanks for everything and making my trip so wonderful .. Along with far more advancement in the Tango then I could have ever expected.
The best comment came from you vet tango friend when the said ' you are a stronger lead then I would have expected....Tina has been a wonderful resource.... thanks for the intro and allowing this to happen.
When next we meet in BsAs, (most likely in either Oct or Nov.) you will see a much better Tango dancer then when I left your 'arms' and fine care.
I am scheduling the building blocks on top of what you so wonderfully created for me.
All the best,
Buzz Levin
Dear friends, Cherie and Ruben,
Thank you again for the great lessons, and your welcoming warmth to this stranger from the Northwest. Along with Tina you really helped ease the transition into an entirely new culture.
Warmest regards and hugs,
Just three days back in Holland I wanted to thank you again for a wonderful experience during our visit to Buenos Aires. My wife and I will certainly continue with our tango lessons.
Warm greetings from Holland,
I appreciate Ruben taxi dancing with me for two nights and the class
and the evening out. It really made the milongas so much more enjoyable!
Hope all is well with you and I hope to be back in BA soon.
Thanks again!!
Just to let you know again what a great time we had. Hope to see you in March,
A BANewcomers post from Kent Wade:
Cherie and her partner Ruben, offer classes and
private lessons.
They are both excellent dancers, delightfully charming, and show their students how to navigate the milongas.
Senor Kent
Hi Cherie and Ruben,
Just to thank you so much for the lesson today. it was one of the wonderful experiences of my life and for that I thank you, Michael and I think you are both amazing, the way you both danced was a joy to watch. We will recommend you to everyone and I have given your info to the travel guide in the sofitel. once again many thanks.
I want to write something for those who are considering studying from Cherie and Ruben. Go for it and you will be glad you do! Cherie and Ruben are not only great tango teachers. Yes, they are! But you don’t just learn tango from them; you learn a new place, new culture, new language, new code of conduct, and new lifestyle of Buenos Aries as well. Their invaluable tips and connections will make your journey much easier and more rewarding. In them you will find true friends who you will cherish forever.
I thank you, Cherie and Ruben, from the bottom of my heart!
You and Ruben have a sincerity and a generosity of spirit, that is quite welcoming.
Dear Cherie and Ruben,
Thank you so much for that delicious lunch we had
in your beautiful apartment. Both of you were so
generous to share your exquisitely prepared parrilla
and wine with us. Your generous invitation to lunch
and to los Consagrados made our wonderful trip
to Buenos Aires even more special. Please
visit me in New York if you are ever here visiting.
We look forward to seeing you again on our next
trip to BA, hopefully next spring.
Stay well and happy and keep on dancing so beautifully.
love, Barbara
Cherie & Ruben,
Thank you for being so generous with your time and your knowledge, I look forward to studying with you in the future.
Judith Frans
Boulder, CO
Ruben is an incredible leader. I enjoyed all my dances with him. I enjoyed the lesson as well. We worked through the language barrier very nicely. Speaking of work, boy I have some things to work on!
Cherie, I have to share with you that Ruben did a very nice job showing me what a followers sensual walk should look like. Gosh, I walk like a cowboy. How unattractive! But all in all the lesson was so much fun. I hope I wasn’t too much of a chore for him.
just wanted to drop you and Ruben a line to thank him for the wonderful dances and the great private lesson. He is such a wonderful person.
Dear Cherie & Ruben,
I am missing dancing & being with some of the lovely people who helped me smile so much in Buenos Aires & that incredibly indulgent life style that was a part of the big experience.
That big experience was largely coloured by meeting & being with you Cherie & Ruben, you both will always be in my heart, your generous & sunny personalities & your winter warm teaching & upstairs room....Loved, loved it all....Thank you for being.
Byron Bay
Hola Cherie,
Thank you so much for the video. That dance was such a blast, and I am so happy to have the video.
It was a great pleasure to meet you and Ruben and take your class. I feel very privileged.
Hope to see you again in the future.
Dear Cherie & Ruben,
Thank you for a lovely evening on the 23rd. you made the trip for us. really.
i hope you will stay in touch since i fee like I've known you in another life. thanx again for the pix.
Jane & Foy
Thanks Ruben Y Cherie,
Ya's are making me miss being there in BA and seeing and visiting. For some reason I have not experienced anything similar to the experience of staying in BA.
Also I just truly enjoy Ruben, It hard to fathom he was one of the first milongueros I watched @ lo de celia and was very impressed.
Magnifico. The love and peace shine through your photos. I don't think I have commented enough about how much your blog means to me, how elegantly beautiful you look, and what a warm, handsome smile Ruben has. Many hugs and kisses to you both.
Cherie & Rueben,
Thanks so much for the wonderful, patient & kind tango lesson for two novices, and the opportunity to meet two wonderful new friends in Argentina and see the real Tango barrio!
Bill & Sue
Thanks, Cherie, for the inspiring lessons! You two are superb teachers!
Cherie & Ruben,
We've talked about you a lot to lots of people and highly recommended you both as teachers and as human beings!
Our tango has benefited so much from our time with you both. We feel more comfortable in our embrace and we can dance in a crowd without feeling we are standing still! We'll know we'll never be really good dancers but we both feel that we now have a proper baseline on which to build our future tango. Lessons are still very hard to find and we've started travelling to a city about an hour and a half away every Sunday night. We're finding that although their style is different in many ways, the teachers there focus on stance and balance which is helpful. Instead of trying to be the same as every teacher, we've managed to understand through your lessons that there is a basic core of 'proper' Argentinian tango. If we can always keep that in mind (and in body) then we can build a style of dance that suits us as a couple.
We are saving already for our next trip to BA.
With love to you both and many thanks for everything you taught us.
Lyn & John
Hola Cherie y Ruben,
Wondering how you are doing and if you had a great visit with your son?
We were thinking of you yesterday, we played the videos of Ruben's walking practice and your
anniversary dance for our friends on a large screen, they enjoyed it a lot, we miss going to the
Sat. nite milonga and sharing your table.
I really enjoy all your blogs.
We have been working hard to keep what you shared with us careful not too lose it.
Our friends were impressed with Doug's lead, they went to the Chicago work shop the whole workshop
was milongero dance.
We also enjoyed Ruben's lovely voice, your e-mails keep us connected to BsAs, they also make me
laugh, you are a gifted writer.
Take good care and we look forward to your blogs.
Karen y Douglas Scofield
Posting weeks later, but just wanted to say we loved our single lesson with Cherie and Ruben. My husband and I are rank beginners....about a month practicing, and wearing new shoes bought the same day, no less. But we learned so much....the basics of the walk--and isn't that what tango is, a walking dance? Cherie is so charming and explained everything well for this nonSpanish speaker. My husband learned a lot from Ruben, since he fortunately does speak Spanish.
Thanks so much for the intro to the fabulous world of Argentine tango and the opportunity to learn from 2 consummate pros! Hope to see you in BsAs or in the states.
Dearest Cherie y Ruben,
Thank you for all your heart and time and energy. thank you for the videos. You were right ... not as bad as I feared.
I will miss you and keep you in my heart.
Take care - Be well - Keep sharing your passion and joy with all who can take it in.
With Love and Gratitude,
thank you, cherie and ruben....
i loved the tango lesson yesterday! thank you for your patience (why the hell can't he do this simple turn?! no bouncing! shoulders straight!) and encouragement. i'm heading out for suipacha next week to find tango shoes! actually i'm surprised by how little my feet/knees are hurting after the workout. and the shoes will definitely help. flexible soles and light weight. will SO help....
big smooooches to you both. i love that i know you. your kind and positive energy makes me smile!
Meeting you both and getting to spend the time with you that i did was one of the highlights of my last visit.
you made me feel so welcome and at home. i cant wait to see you again. as we speak I'm making plans to return next July, this time for longer.
Everyone loved the pictures! Thanks again for a wonderful introduction to the tango.
Ruben y Cherie,
I have so many fantastic memories. I have looked at my video 4 times and it makes me smile. I loved our time with you and will always treasure my introduction to tamgo..
Love to you both
Janet xx
Cherie and Ruben -- I had such a wonderful time yesterday. Thank you so much. I will try for some private tango lessons in New York. You're terrific teachers and dancers.
Cherie and Ruben,
Thank you the most wonderful day and evening. Learning the basics of tango with you are a good choice. And I thoroughly enjoyed the millongo.
I will definitely be looking for tango lessons in South Africa!
Live! Laugh! Love!
Thank you for the video of our lesson. We have never had such a video and this is instructive. It shows that we can actually move around the floor and that we also have room for some advancement!
Yes, Sandy and I enjoyed the milonga very much. I am grateful that we were able to attend and participate and I very much appreciate the hospitality of you and Ruben. And, I want to say again that I surely enjoyed the lesson with you and Ruben. Your guidance and encouragement were very helpful to me. The lesson and the milonga were big highlights of our trip to Argentina. We will keep doing the tango and I want to return to Argentina again.
Rich & Sandy
Thank you to you and Reuben for a great lesson, we really enjoyed ourselves. Also we are so glad we went to the milonga and I am very pleased Reuben dragged me up to dance, I have been telling all of my family and friends. My mom has also been telling her friends!!!
Sarah & Mark
Thank you, Ruben y Cherie!
We are just getting settled back into our "normal" life in Chile. Thank you so much for sharing the photos and video of our tango experience in Buenos Aires - I'm going to need to post them to facebook! It is not often that a teacher will go through the effort of doing that, so I very much appreciate it. On Sunday night we went to the Carlos Gardel tango show...although it was nice, it was nothing at all like our milonga experience. We were so happy to have done that with you and really appreciate the invite and making us feel like old friends! I'll be sure to pass along your name to future clients who are interested in taking lessons and getting an authentic tango experience.
Cade and I hope to return to BsAs once more before heading back to the U.S. so if that happens, we'll be sure to let you know! :)
Stacie and Cade Hines
Thank you very much, Ruben & Cherie, it was great to dance with you!
Jon and Susan
Cherie, thanks for the photos. You and Rubin are a true delight. Gary and I will always treasure our Tango lesson and our evening at the milonga. We will sign up for the Tango class in Ojai.
Mackay and Gary
Dear Cherie and Ruben,
just wanted to thank you both once again for the lovely lesson we spent with you on Sunday. We are back in the UK and have looked at our videos and they are pretty good!!!
It was lovely to meet you thank you for making it all so easy to tango and giving us a wonderful memory.
Warm Regards
Anna-Maria and Malvina
Hola Ruben and Cherie
We have just returned from our holidays and are able to view these photos and the video that you sent us after our visit. Thank you so much for both souvenirs. It is good to see a video to remember the steps but also to see things that we need to improve.
We so enjoyed meeting you both and experiencing such a fantastic lesson and milonga evening. We bought 2 pairs of tango shoes each and are looking forward to returning to our class next week with new shoes and new steps!
Our evening with you both was the highlight of our time in Buenos Aires and we very much want to return to immerse ourselves in the tango culture. When we do return we will contact you about more lessons.
Suerte y muchas gracias por ayudais. La clase fue muy, muy bien!!!
Sonya y Mark Edbrooke
Dear cherie and Ruben,
It's been 2 weeks since our return and I just wanted to thank you for the great experience of milonga tango and the time you spent with us. Virgil and I will always remember your smiles and great advice. While I have not had time to look for a club in our area, it is on my list for the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Virgil is trying to learn how to be more "macho" and lead me...
I promise to be in touch.
Carmen and Virgil
Cherie and Ruben
One of these days I'll find the right words to express my true appreciation and delight for making my recent Tango trip to BA the success it really was. Until then my love to two of the nicest people that entered my life.
Dear Cherie and Ruben,
Thanks for all of your patience and care. I so enjoyed my classes and getting to know you.
The final milonga was fun and Ruben was great as always. What a sweetie he is!
Bye for now,
Suann Sinclair
What a great time we had! Great thanks to both of you for making it such a great (and patient) experience. You guys are inspirational, and we loved it!
Mila Felder
Cherie and Ruben,
I had a very good time at the milonga last night.
I really appreciate Ruben's kindness in making me feel at home at the milonga and enjoyed his wonderful dancing.
Thank you again for all your guidance and instructions
Warmest regards,
Hisayo Yasuda
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