After eleven years living, dancing, teaching tango, and writing in Buenos Aires, I came home to L.A. in 2014, where I'm reconstructing my life.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Progress, I think

This topic of my "papers" allowing me to stay in Argentina for a "little while" has not been breached for several months. Accordingly, yesterday I went down to 25 de Mayo for the appointment I received last January, 2009. Of course no one had told me the office had closed. So by the hair of my chiny chin chin, I made it back down to Migraciones in Retiro in time to get my number and to wait for six hours to be seen.

All was in order, after Ruben made a mad dash in the heat to Retiro station to photocopy one of my papers which turned out to be unnecessary. More fingerprints were taken, another photo, more questions asked about my background to make sure I was me.

And then, o happy day!, I was given the temporary DNI which would be finalized when someone came to my residence within 60 days to give me my permanent papers.

Well after six years, that's progress, isn't it?
For that, I'm thankful this holiday season.


Tina said...

Oh yay! What a Christmas present! I wait with baited breath for the news of your permanent papers! Congratulations on a visit to migraciones that didn't leave you pulling your hair out, he he ;-)

Nancy said...

Wow! That calls for a celebration. Now you are 'en blanco'. Does that mean you no longer pay the "tourist tax"?

NYC Tango Pilgrim said...

Finally... it deserves a toast to celebrate.

Anonymous said...


Katie said...

A well-deserved Christmas gift! Congrats, Cherie!

tangocherie said...

Thanks, everybody! Your good wishes mean a lot to me.