After eleven years living, dancing, teaching tango, and writing in Buenos Aires, I came home to L.A. in 2014, where I'm reconstructing my life.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Festijando Alberto

Friday night the small senior citizens center in Parque Centenario was packed with Alberto's friends. That night the semi-weekly gathering was celebrating his birthday, and so we were invited too.
Because it was a bit chilly, the feast of lots and lots of barbecued meats--chorizos, pork, beef and chicken--a variety of delicious salads, fresh strawberries with thick cream, and of course, after midnight (because it's bad luck to wish Happy Birthday to someone before the actual day), a big cake.

We had brought our iPod and battery operated speakers, so between courses and between the tables, we danced everything from folklore to tango to rock 'n roll. (Sorry no pictures of the dancing because I was dancing!)

After the asador took his bow, the tables were covered with green felt and the games of Truco began. I don't know how to play, but I love the decorative cards with their Tarot-like designs. The betting was done with beans.

This congenial group also has asados during summer on Sunday afternoons, when they play a bowling-toss type of game that is surprisingly a good work-out of the arms and back. Here they are in the cancha de tejos.

Then on Saturday at Los Consagrados, Alberto had his traditional birthday gang vals.

Good food, friendship, games, and tango: what more could anyone want for their birthday?

Felicidades, amigo nuestro!

1 comment:

Pantina said...

Thank you so much for the information!! I've sent it along to my friends. If you see a two tall red heads dancing around your local milongas you've found my friends!!!

Have a great holiday season,