The Mundial's over but you're now in Buenos Aires and you still want to compete in tango? You can do it this week!
Here's the info:
Organiza: Círculo Apolo "Milonga Entre Amigos"
Colabora: Revista Diostango /
Categoría Mayores de 40 años / Modalidad Tango Salón
1er. Premio: $ 1000,- en efectivo
2do. Premio: $ 500,- en efectivo
3er. Premio: $ 300,- en orden de compra
Comienza el Viernes 18 de Septiembre de 2009
Informes e inscripción en Círculo Apolo "Milonga Entre Amigos"
Machaín 3517 tel: 4541-1652 / 15-6123-4601
e-mail: apolo.entreamigos@hotmail.com
Milongas Participantes:
Milonga del Centenario (Viejo Correo), Av. Díaz Vélez 4820
Jueves 17-09-2009
Círculo Apolo, Machaín 3517 Viernes 18-09-2009
Milonga de los Consagrados, Humberto Primo 1462
So if you are 40 or over and dance salon style, you can concursar and perhaps win 1000 pesos! No matter if you are local or tourist. There is no fee to enter, just to the milonga, as usual. In any event, it will be fun to watch.
So hie thee this THURSDAY to Viejo Correo after 8 p.m., or Los Consagrados on Saturday between 7-10 p.m., or after 8 p.m. to Circulo Apolo this FRIDAY.
Note: Ruben and I were asked to be judges, but we declined based on our numerous friends at Los Consagrados. We could never judge between our friends.
I love what you said: "We should never judge between our friends."
Friendship and personal relations are ALWAYS more important than prestige!! And much more difficult to attain.
Why don't you and Ruben enter the competition?
Been there, done that.
I'm surprised you ask this question; after finishing so well in the Finals of the Metropolitano (#14 out of more than 500 couples), why should we enter an intermilonga contest?
Well it's true, there are people who just love to enter contests, but we're not like that.
We've proven ourselves against those who had personal relationships with the judges, who took lots of classes with the judges, who were related by blood to the judges; we, who had no relationship whatsoever with the judges, yet still did ok, even better than ok.
So we feel no need to compete; no need to prove ourselves on the dance floor. We do that in every tanda.
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