Our friends, Helena y Carlos, inaugurated a new afternoon milonga last night at La Salsera in Almagro. The last time I was there was years ago when it was home to the gay milonga, La Marshall which since moved to Independencia, and now is in Maipu, where it's been for a few years.
There was entertainment by a couple who danced two tangos and a milonga.
WARDROBE NOTE: Please notice the white suede soles of Alejandra's tango shoes--they glow in the dark and were very distracting. If you have such soles on dark shoes, please have them dyed black.

Con Alma y Vida
Yatay 961
Fridays 17:00-22:00
talk about annoying... who matches blue sneaker with black suit? :-P
Zh, that's a good one: I was so distracted by her white soles that I didn't even see his blue shoes!
It's not the man's shoes but his soul that counts.
Yes, Anon, you are so correct.
But if the wardrobe distracts from the "connection of souls" in a performance, it's not so good.
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