After eleven years living, dancing, teaching tango, and writing in Buenos Aires, I came home to L.A. in 2014, where I'm reconstructing my life.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Mirasol, my new cat.


Niki said...

Congrats on the new cat Cherie. She is beautiful. I can almost feel her purring...
(i miss my cat)

Elizabeth Brinton said...

oooh. Just in time for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

How did she get a scarf to match her coat? ;0)

Where did you find her, Cherie? I love the name Mirasol. I found my cat soul mate at the Parque Carlos Thays the other day, but we aren't allowed to keep cats in our apartment. :-(

tangocherie said...

There's a vet/Panda Pet store near where I used to live in Caballito who takes in strays. I heard she had some black and white kittens so I went to see.

As I was playing with them, the doctor asked me if maybe I'd like an older cat and she showed me Mirasol, who was recovering from surgery. She had been abandoned there, pregnant with complications, so they took her in and fixed her up with the hope that someone would come along to adopt her. And she is so beautiful that I did!

It's true I am partial to torties, but all else being equal I really didn't want a new cat who looks so much like my Phoebe.

She's healing up nicely from her medical trauma and we are settling in together. Now I'm thinking of adopting as well a patchwork female who I saw in the store who just had kittens. I've never had 2 cats and the thought gives me pause, but I'm thinking about it. Cats are great!

Anonymous said...

She's a beauty. I like how low maintenance cats can be.

msHedgehog said...

She's beautiful. Mirasol = sunflower?

tangocherie said...

Yes, Ruben named her, and Mirasol means "sunflower."

We're all doing great, but I do need to get a scratching post! I bought one of those cardboard flat scratching thingies, but she refuses to have anything to do with it.

But I don't worry about stuff like that like I used to.