The "I'm not really that into you":

The "Salida Americana" in reverse:

The "Ooh, I'm just so happy to be dancing tango but I really don't know how yet":

The "You're a Good Boy, Che":

The "Tell Me More":

The Mushy Girlfriend "Hug That Will Make a Fortune as a Poster":

The Casual Nuevo:

The Happy Campers!
I am so totally the "El Beso" Strong Woman. I evolved into that this year.
In fact, don't forget the "arm lifter" which is what I USED to be. I'll find a picture ;-)
Cherie, where's the "Geraldine"???!!!
Come on, girls, send in those photos!
Oh, YES, the El Beso Strong Woman, definitely.
It´s very hip now in Bs As, ain´t it?;)
But it shouldn´t be done at all costs, if the man is too tall, it really isn´t pretty, nor comfortable (uhhh..like the ´false Geraldine´.. is she still around?)
:)a nice collection, though!
I was remember a radical embrace on TangoandChaos, which I found again. Chapter 5, Page 8, Noemi Yodici.
I'm more like 'the hug', if the man isn't too tall :)
incidentally, the 'hug' dancers and two friends of mine. the www is becoming smaller and smaller, like the real world, I suppose.
I like 'the hug' more if there's the right music...otherwise the 'El Beso strong woman'.
Incidentally, the 'hug dancers' are two friends of mine. the www is becoming smaller and smaller, like the real world, I suppose.
P.S. I like the "hug" if the height is right, or the "El Beso"...depends on the man and the mood.
Elizabeth, thanks for the suggestion to look on Tango and Chaos for the picture you were referring to. But while I really enjoyed perusing the site (Rick has added a lot more info recently), I couldn't find the photo of Noemi Yodici.
If you can locate it, and we can get "the Geraldine" and "the arm lifter," we can update my post!
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