UPDATE: Internet sleuthing has turned up this poster from the show, then called Milonguisimo, when it played downstairs at La Ideal. Check the Comments. (Thanks to Irene for the hot lead.)
I am so embarrassed that I went to an event without my (new) camera, without paper or pen, and even lost the flyer. And I call myself a writer.
I feel extra bad because the show I saw last night at the Teatro Liberarte on Corrientes was utterly fantastic!
I didn't know what to expect, and so I wasn't prepared. The truth is I thought it would be just another tourist tango show among the hundreds playing here in Buenos Aires. Who needs to see a photo of another teenaged girl turned upside down?
But this bohemian cabaret in the basement of a bookstore was full of surprises, talent, incredible singing, and wow dancing--by milongueros. Almost everyone was over 50 and probably most were over 60.
And not only did they dance Canaro to Piazzola, they danced rock and roll--five couples freaking out on a stage the size of a postage stamp!
Gosh what a pleasure to see real, gorgeous dancing by real people--heavyset, grey-headed, bald and beautiful.
I sat there and planned to go back next week to take photos and get everyone's name so those of you who are in Buenos Aires could go. But last night was the second and ultimate in this venue. It may open somewhere else, and I'll let you know if it does.
Because if you are in Buenos Aires, you have to see this show!
That sounds wonderful! I'm almost in Buenos Aires myself (2 more sleeps!) so I would love to see this show. Would love to know where it is!
Tina, if the show opens in another venue, for sure I'll let the world know about it!
Dear Cherie,
I did a quick search on the internet and it appears that the show you saw was "Milonguisimo" written and directed by the organizer of the milonga at Glorias Argentinas: Oscar Hector Malagrino.
The couples in the show are:
Jorge Uzunian and Haydee Malagrino
Alberto Dassieu & Elba Biscay
Juan Esquivel and Susi Tilbe
Horacio Prestamo and Gabriela
Oscar Hector and Teresa Brandon
(courtesy Tango-A post by Janis Kenyon)
I've seen both a video of the show (when it featured Pedro Vujovich and Graciela Cano, the 2005 Mundial Salon winners) and live at Glorias Argentinas - it is really a absolutely stunning show.
I can't wait to go and see it again , I heard also that it will be on at Confiteria Ideal. Oscar Hector can be emailed for details:
Thank you so much, Irene.
Yes indeed, those were SOME of the dancers, but there were many more!
Plus a singer and an actress.
I had also looked it up by what I thought was the title of the show --Cabalgata de Tango.
Let's hope we can go see it again at La Ideal or anyplace else, although the basement bohemian venue couldn't be beat (but could have been cooler.)
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