Just in from Reuters:
"Argentina sees comeback of tango"
Guau, all these years tangueros and milongueros were dancing away in the salons of Buenos Aires, not knowing that tango had disappeared from Argentina.
This article, by Fiona Ortiz, is basically about tango as a business, and Juan Fabbri, The Tango Impresario, as king. The top-rated cena-show, Esquina Carlos Gardel in Abasto, rakes in 500 tourists per night, every night of the year but Christmas, at an average of $100 usd each.
Some people in the dinner-show business fret that a glut is developing. But Juan Fabbri says a surge in cruise ships docking at Buenos Aires will guarantee a full house at both Esquina Carlos Gardel and at a new 1,200-seat establishment he and his partners are opening at a cost of more than $2 million.

1 comment:
And now, Argentina is seeing a comeback of TINA! :-) I'm here I'm here I'm here! :-) Hope to run into you :-)
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