After eleven years living, dancing, teaching tango, and writing in Buenos Aires, I came home to L.A. in 2014, where I'm reconstructing my life.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Better Times in Buenos Aires

Every foreign woman who makes a habit of vacationing in the milongas of Buenos Aires has a book to write. (Me, too--THE CHURCH OF TANGO is the name of my memoir, currently being turned into a screenplay in Hollywood.)

Robyn Ash-Rose from Australia has written and published hers this month here in Argentina. And, what a surprise, she decided to use Ruben's and my photo on the cover. It shows, she says, the spirit of her book. "Most tango pictures are so solemn and serious; I want to show the joy that can be found in tango and in Buenos Aires."

The title is a take-off from the British journalist Miranda France's, Bad Times in Buenos Aires, the 1998 report on how tough it was to live here, even for the two years of her assignment. The book starts off with a quote from Jorge Luis Borges: I come from a sad country.

For more information on the book and how to get a copy, contact Robyn:

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