After eleven years living, dancing, teaching tango, and writing in Buenos Aires, I came home to L.A. in 2014, where I'm reconstructing my life.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Celebrating Springtime in Buenos Aires!

La Reina de Primavera
and her Princesses, with Sylvia and the organizer Myriam Rosich.

Spring is huge here, as I wrote last week. I know some might say, enough already, but we take our fun where we find it!

And the Milonga de los Consagrados, even though a few days late, wanted to do it up big time. Not only did every lady receive a carnation, there was a Queen of Spring contest, a tango contest, and a gang vals to celebrate DJ Carlos' birthday.

Las Tres Hermanas from San Francisco and North Carolina.

For a moment by moment replay of the Queen of Spring Contest as well as most of the tango contest, check out the video:


Ariel said...

Hola, lindas fotos, Saludos desde Alemania!!!

Christy said...

I love your blog, your website, your writing. When I see it on my email, it's the first one I open.

Happy Spring!


Elizabeth Brinton said...

Cherie, this was so much fun to watch! Amazing quality of dance. And are those the Fillipini's (sp?) I see there, so regal?
Fantastic moment in tango time.

tangocherie said...

Saludos Ariel, Christy, Elizabeth! Thank you for your kind comments!

And yes, those are the Filippinis. How did you recognize them, Elizabeth?
What an eye, but then, you are an artist.

Elizabeth Brinton said...

Cherie, there are two Youtubes out there of the Fillipinis that just knock me out. Both of the videos are performances, and so to see them there in your milonga, Los Consagrados was fun.
Your tango groupie friend,