The Times Colonist in Canada recently published a PR piece with this great title.
And you know, it's true. (well almost true)
When they no longer feel like dancing salsa or swing all night long, but still want to dance, many people turn to Argentine tango. You can dance tango until you die, and lots do, sometimes literally. (Sure, it's a huge shock for the partner, but what a way to go. I've been at milongas where people have passed away on the dance floor, and is that so bad? I hope that's the way I'll go too, ocho-ing to the end.)
This article is about a mature lady who rejuvenated her dancing life by finding a partner half her age to dance tango with.
But the new partner, Sanchez, underestimates the power of tango in Argentina, when he says:
"Tango dancing is not popular for young people in Argentina. It is more a traditional dance for older people, but a friend taught me the basic steps and now it's a small obsession," said Sanchez.
Raino is 60 and Sanchez is 31, but age doesn't matter in tango.
Well they've got that right, or at least it doesn't always matter in tango. But then why did she need a young man instead of an older one? Just wondering.
Adoro el tango!
I think probably because older men tend to keep it more simple. She might have preferred the energy and wider vocabulary of younger men.
Just an idea.
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