Los Reyes de Tango playing D'Arienzo's greatest hits! Count 'em, FOUR bandoneones.

Susana Miller y Cacho Dante
Friday night in La Nacional, we were invited to the special milonga of the Milongueando en Buenos Aires festival. The salon in the elegant but decrepit Asociacion Italiana was packed to the gilded rafters and I honestly don't know how they squeezed everybody in.
We had the perfect table, front row in the middle. The student participants from the week-long festival were in attendance as well as the teachers, and several local milongueros. It was impossible to dance. Really. So we did a half tanda to Calo because it's "my" orchestra (D'Arienzo is Ruben's), and a couple of milongas and then we just sat back to drink champagne and enjoy the show.
The exhibitions were nice, although El Flaco Dany was off his game. Maria Plazaola was beautiful and very, very pregnant. I really liked Ruben Harymbat and Alicia Pons dancing, he of the very special style of picking up his feet and she of the gorgeous feet. Tete's vals with Silvia was flowing, nice, making a charming point of leading with his impressive panza milonguera. Coca wore some gorgeous new sexy shoes.
The finale was the best, when everyone danced and then changed partners, even some same-sex couples. Tete leading Osvaldo was a riot. The mood was light-hearted and warm (as well as the actual temperature).
What delight to be at a festival full of foreign tangueros and teachers and everyone dancing estilo milonguero! No ganchos, no jumps, no turning women upside down. We felt right at home.
And when the Reyes de Tango broke into Loca, the new energy made the crowded salon sparkle.
I can't believe that this is me at 4 a.m.!! My eyes are actually open, if bloodshot.
It was open! Last time I checked the website they said that it was closed through April for renovations. Glad you had a good time. I went with a friend there in October. La Nacional is such an elegant milonga. My two words for it were "faded elegance".
Hi Beatrice!
No, the milonga at La Nacional, which I never liked really, is not yet open--this was a special Milongueando event just for that Friday night.
My favorite salon is Region Leonesa, which also has faded elegance; the wooden dance floor is huge, and there's much more room to be comfortable at the tables.
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